Medicaid Waiver
The Medicaid waiver program, called MI Choice in Michigan, is a program that allows a recipient to receive care services at home or assisted living (if the facility accepts Medicaid) instead of a nursing home. Most people want to stay home if they can. MI Choice can reduce the stress on caregivers. Applicants can apply for the waiver program through the regional Area Agency on Aging. See the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services website to find which MI Choice region you live in and the contact information.
In order to qualify for the MI Choice waiver, you must medically qualify for the service. The Area Agency on Aging will conduct a medical assessment to see if you “medically qualify” for services. Often there is a waiting list for a waiver “slot” for services. If you are interested in this program, WEL encourages you to call your regional Area Agency on Aging, as soon as you think you might qualify for services. Please note, in some regions, the wait could be as long as 10 months.
Some of the services unique to the MI Choice waiver are:
- Preventative nursing services
- Respite services
- Chore assistance
- Private nursing
- Meal assistance
In addition to the above, the program offers a wide variety of counseling and transitional services, medical information and personal services.
Under the waiver program, an applicant must satisfy asset tests similar to those for Nursing Home Medicaid. Unlike long-term care (i.e. nursing home) Medicaid, there is an income cap to qualify for services. We are ready to assist you in obtaining the proper documentation, gaining eligibility, and, if necessary, appealing an adverse decision.